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Vivera Retainers

March 22nd, 2024

Vivera retainers are a brand that Invisalign manufactures. No other company can make a retainer like the Vivera retainers.

Reasons why Vivera retainers are a great option:

1.There are 4 sets in the box- this means there are backup retainers to hopefully last a lifetime.

2.The Vivera retainers are made of special material and are 30% more durable than regular lab retainers or invisalign retainers you receive when finished treatment.

3. Only an orthodontist can order Vivera retainers. It is not something that can be ordered online.

4.The Vivera retainers are very easy to clean- by using a toothbrush and toothpaste or soaking in a retainer cleaning solution. This can be purchased at any local store.

5.Vivera retainers are custom fit to your teeth. There will be a scan done at your orthodontist office -unlike other retainers.

6. If you grind your teeth at night, the material is strong enough to not break them.

How to deal with dental anxiety

March 15th, 2024

Dental anxiety can be challenging, but there are tips which can help you manage and overcome fear. Here are some techniques for dealing with dental anxiety:

1. Communicate with your dentist: Let your dentist know about your anxiety and discuss the fears and concerns with them. A good dentist will understand and will work with you to make you feel more comfortable.

2. Choose a dentist you trust: Finding a dentist who is understanding, and experienced in working with anxious patients can make a big difference. Take the time to find one.

3. Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can help calm nerves before and during the dental appointment.

4. Bring a friend or family member: Having someone you trust accompany to a dental appointment can provide support and comfort.

5. Use distractions: Listen to music, watch a movie, or use other distractions during the appointment to take your mind off the procedure.

6. Reward yourself: Give yourself a reward for facing your fears and going to the dentist. This can help associate positive feelings with dental visits.

7.Sedation: For major dental work talk with the dentist about sedation or some sort of medication to help relax.

How to deal with gingivitis

February 26th, 2024

Have you ever heard of gingivitis? It can be a very serious disease if not controlled. There are several signs and symptoms of gingivitis:

1. Red and/or swollen gums: Gingivitis causes inflammation of the gums, causing the gums to become red, swell, and be tender.

2. Bleeding gums: One of the most common signs of gingivitis is the gums bleed during brushing or flossing. Healthy gums should not bleed.

3. Bad breath: Gingivitis can cause consistently bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth, even after brushing and using mouthwash.

4. Receding gums: As gingivitis gets worse the gums may start to pull away from the teeth which can cause major issues. 

5. Loose or shifting teeth: In serious cases of gingivitis, the teeth can be affected and teeth can become loose.

6. Pus between teeth and gums: If there is pus or discharge between teeth and gums, it may mean an infection developed which is caused by gingivitis.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to visit a dentist. There are ways to prevent gingivitis.

1. Practice good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Make sure you brush along the gumline to remove plaque. Also, make sure you floss daily to clean between your teeth and remove plaque and food.

2. Use mouthwash: Rinsing with a mouthwash after brushing and flossing. This can help kill bacteria and reduce plaque buildup.

3. Visit the dentist regularly: Regular dental check-ups every 6 months and professional cleanings are essential for preventing and detecting gingivitis. The dentist will remove plaque and tartar that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone.

4. Eat a balanced diet: A healthy diet can contribute to good oral health. Limit the intake of sugar and acidic foods and drinks, they can contribute to plaque buildup. Instead try for a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins.

5. Avoid tobacco products: Smoking and using other tobacco products can increase the risk of getting gingivitis and other oral health maladies. Quitting smoking can significantly improve oral health.

By following these preventive measures, one can reduce your risk of developing gingivitis and maintain excellent oral health.

How Braces Can Help Bring In Your Impacted Tooth

February 7th, 2024

Braces are the best treatment option for correcting impacted teeth. Impacted teeth occur when a tooth does not erupt properly through the gum line. This can lead to other dental issues- such as crowding, misalignment and even pain.

Braces work by applying constant pressure to the teeth, gradually moving them into the correct position. When it comes to impacted teeth, braces can help in several ways:

1. Alignment: Braces can align impacted teeth by applying gentle pressure over time. This helps guide teeth into the proper position, allowing them to erupt through the gums and align with the rest of the teeth.

2. Space: crowding in the mouth can cause impacted teeth, leading to misaligned teeth. Braces can create space by gradually shifting the impacted tooth, making room for other teeth to align properly.

3. Bite correction: Impacted teeth can also affect the bite, causing issues with chewing and speaking. Braces can help correct the bite by moving the impacted tooth into the correct position, improving overall function.

4. Aesthetic improvement: Braces can also greatly improve the appearance of impacted teeth. By aligning the impacted tooth with the rest of the teeth, braces can enhance the overall smile and boost self-confidence.

It's important to note treatment length for impacted teeth may vary depending on the severity of the impaction as well as individual factors. In some cases, additional dental procedures, such as tooth extraction or surgical exposure, may be necessary before orthodontic treatment can begin.

If you believe that you have impacted teeth, it's best to consult with Dr. Azizi. He will be able to examine and explain your specific situation and recommend the most suitable treatment plan, which most likely will include orthodontics.

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