The Lifespan of Retainers-

The lifespan of orthodontic retainers can vary depending on several factors: the type of retainer, how well the retainer is cared for, and patient dental work.

1. Permanent Retainers: These are bonded to the back of teeth and can last for several years, as long as the patient maintains good oral hygiene and stays away from food that could break the retainer. A permanent retainer follows the same guidelines as having braces.

2. Hawley Retainers: These can last 5 to 10+ years with proper care. Hawley retainers are made from acrylic and metal. Their durability depends on how well they are taken care of. Hawley retainers are a type of retainer which should be removed when eating and drinking anything other than water. To keep the retainer clean- brush with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

3. Clear Retainers: These can last 3+ years if taken care of. They are more appealing since they are clear and can't be seen while wearing. Clear retainers need to be removed when eating and drinking anything other than water. If you drink anything with a tint the retainers will discolor.

Reasons retainer will last or need to be replaced:

Care and Maintenance: Proper cleaning and storage will extend the life of removable retainers. Always put the retainers in the case when not wearing and always keep clean so it will not discolor. This will help keep the retainers looking new.

Compliance: Consistent use as instructed by the orthodontist is important. If retainers are not worn as directed, teeth may shift and the retainers will not fit. If that happens- you would need to have another consultation with the orthodontist to see if retreatment is necessary. If not interested in retreatment but don't want any further changes you would need to get a new retainer.

Changes in Dental work: If you get a crown, implant, bridge, etc. there is a chance the retainer will not fit and you will need to see your orthodontist to get fitted for a new retainer.

Losing/breaking retainer: It is important if you lose or break the retainer to reach out to your orthodontist to be seen and fitted for a new one as to not relapse and need treatment again.

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