What food to avoid at BBQ's while wearing braces!

1. Ribs: Ribs are tough and can be difficult to chew and cause damage to braces if biting into the bone.

2. Corn on the cob: Corn on the cob can be hard to eat with braces and may get stuck in between brackets and wires. Brackets can break or the wire if you accidentally bite into the cob.

3. Sticky or chewy foods: Foods like caramel or taffy can easily get stuck in and break the braces.

4. Hard breads and rolls: Bread that is too crispy or tough can be difficult to eat with braces and will cause damage.

5. Tough cuts of meat: Steaks or other tough cuts of meat can be challenging to chew with braces and may also cause damage. Cut into very tiny pieces if you eat steak.

6. Hard fruits and vegetables: Apples, carrots, and other hard fruits and vegetables can be difficult to bite into with braces and may cause brackets to break so it is very important to cut produce into small slices.

7. Nuts and seeds: Small, hard foods like nuts and seeds can easily get lodged in braces and be difficult to remove.

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