Why it's important to take care of baby teeth

Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, play an important role in a child's overall development. Baby teeth start to erupt in a baby around the age of six months and by the time a child is three years old they typically have all 20 baby teeth. Baby teeth are temporary but they are important because they are needed for a child's ability to chew, speak, and maintain alignment for the permanent teeth.

Many believe baby teeth are not important since they will eventually fall out. This is inaccurate, baby teeth serve as placeholders for permanent teeth. If a baby tooth is lost prematurely it may lead to alignment issues with permanent teeth. In this case, Phase 1 orthodontic treatment would be necessary.

It is important to start caring for your child's teeth as soon as they start to erupt. This includes gently brushing baby teeth with a soft toothbrush and using a tiny amount of fluoride toothpaste. Make sure to brush every morning and every night before bed. It is also recommended for children see the dentist for regular check-ups starting around their first birthday.

Another important part of caring for baby teeth is watching the development and looking for any signs of decay or infection. Common signs of tooth decay in children include discoloration, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, and pain while chewing. If there are any signs of decay to the baby teeth it is important to see the dentist, especially since decay may harm developing permanent teeth. Teaching proper oral hygiene habits from a young age and monitoring dental health can aid in a lifetime of good oral health.

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