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Why Summer is a Good Time to Start Orthodontic Treatment

May 19th, 2023

Summertime can be a good time to start orthodontic treatment for several reasons:

  1. More flexible schedule: Summertime is usually a more relaxed schedule with fewer commitments like school. This makes it easier to schedule orthodontic appointments.
  2. Faster results: Since people tend to have more free time to attend multiple appointments during the summer, orthodontic treatment can often be completed more quickly.
  3. Adjustment period: Starting orthodontic treatment can be uncomfortable at first as your mouth adjusts to braces or aligners. Summer is a good time to start treatment because it gives you time to get used to your new appliance before returning to school or work.
  4. Good time for minor adjustments: Summer is a good time for minor orthodontic adjustments which can improve your smile before important events like weddings, vacations or school photos.
  5. Protect teeth during sports: Many summer sport activities put your smile at risk for injury. Orthodontic treatment includes the use of a mouthguard or Invisalign trays. These will protect your teeth & gums during activities.

Overall, summertime can provide a good opportunity to begin orthodontic treatment in a convenient, comfortable & safe way!

Are Mouthguards Important to Wear while Playing Sports if I have Braces?

May 12th, 2023

It is important to wear a mouthguard if you have braces while playing sports. Mouthguards can protect the lips, gums and cheeks from getting cut or injured by the braces, wires & brackets.

Wearing braces increases the risk of getting injured during sports due to brackets & wires which can cause trauma to the inside of the mouth. If hit by a flying object or an opponent mouthguards help to cushion the blow & minimize the impact of the collision.

In addition to protecting the mouth, wearing a mouthguard can also prevent damage to the braces themselves. A hit or blow to the mouth can damage or dislocate the brackets or wires, this will increase the time & cost of the orthodontic treatment.

Mouthguards are available in various types & sizes. Patients with braces may need a specialized mouthguard. These guards fit over the orthodontic appliances. A dentist or an orthodontist can provide a customized mouthguard to fit over braces & provide full protection. If buying a mouthguard from the store, the directions will indicate to boil & mold to the teeth. DO NOT BOIL & MOLD THE MOUTHGUARD IF WEARING BRACES!! If one boils & bites into the mouthguard, it will stick to the braces & will pull wires and brackets off.

If you have Invisalign, the trays can be worn while playing sports. The Invisalign trays work as a mouthguard to protect the teeth if hit in the mouth. If one is playing a sport and needs an actual mouthguard, while in treatment with Invisalign, this CAN be boiled & molded to the teeth. Although, keep in mind during treatment the teeth are constantly changing and the guard may not fit after a bit.

Overall, wearing a mouthguard when necessary can help to prevent potential trauma to your dentition and your orthodontic appliances. If you need a mouthguard, just ask one of our assistants & they will gladly provide one!

Why You Need To Make It To Scheduled Appointments.

April 18th, 2023

When a patient gets braces bonded to their teeth this is not the last time to see the orthodontist. This is the same for orthodontic appliances & Invisalign. When a patient starts any type of orthodontic treatment they will be required to schedule and keep appointments usually between every 4-8 weeks, or whatever the orthodontist recommends.


It is important to show up to appointments because it keeps the patient on track to finish their treatment within the estimated treatment length given. If a patient doesn't show to appointments it will also be hard to achieve the perfect result. The orthodontist plans the treatment to progress in a way to achieve a perfect smile. This means there will be specific wires used, braces placement & elastics. If a patient doesn't show for a while the wires & elastics start to lose their activity which will just put the patient's teeth at a halt and stall progress. Not showing up for appointments can also lead to brackets braking, wires poking or coming out & running out of take longer & could even cause much pain.


If a patient doesn't make it to scheduled appointments this means wires are not being removed to allow normal brushing & flossing. When there are wires in it can be very tedious & hard to reach all areas while cleaning. If a patient doesn't show for appointments and plaque is not removed from around the wires, the teeth will end up with decay, cavities & gum issues.

Having bad oral hygiene during treatment can also cause the teeth to move slower. This would be another setback during orthodontic treatment. If the gums start to become puffy or are bleeding when touched, this is a sign there is bacteria. So, it is very important to make it to scheduled orthodontic appointments!!

Why do I have yellow teeth?

April 13th, 2023

Many people say their teeth look yellow and this prevents them from smiling because they are self-conscious. There are many tips to reduce your teeth from looking yellow.


One's age can be a part of teeth looking yellow because after years tooth enamel can start to wear. The final layer of the tooth is called dentin, it is naturally a yellow tint. If you see this in someone who is a young age it could be due to poor oral hygiene and has been developing for some time. 


One's teeth can become stained from food, seasoning, wine, coffee, pigmented drinks or tomato sauces, curry and more. These can leave teeth stained if not brushed and rinsed well after eating or drinking.


Many will turn to whitening to make their teeth not appear yellow any longer. Excessive whitening of the teeth can cause the enamel to wear down over time and may even cause sensitivity.  Whitening toothpaste work well but will not whiten overnight. Since the staining can happen from eating and drinking it is best to make sure one brushes and rinses after. It is also good to stay away from sipping on sugary drinks all day long. 

As long as one keeps up with their oral hygiene and sees the dentist every 6 months it will be ok. Teeth have a natural yellow tint and whitening does not happen overnight.

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