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Best way to a Healthy Living

February 6th, 2023

The best way to keep living a healthy lifestyle is to be sure you go to your doctor for annual physicals & take care of your body.

Taking care of your body can be done in different ways- healthy dieting, physical activity, mental health check-in's & more.

A healthy diet consists of fiber, fruits, vegetables, good fats & whole grains. This diet will help reduce inflammation which can cause damage to bones, joints & organs. Processed foods may be tasty but are not good for the body. Processed foods can cause problems with high blood pressure & high sugar levels which can lead to heart disease, diabetes & obesity. A good healthy diet can contain olive oil, fruits, vegetables, fish & low amounts of red meat; this can help prevent heart attacks and strokes.

It is important to incorporate physical activity such as going to a gym, jogging, & walking. This will reduce your risk of heart disease, obesity, depression & strokes. Physical activity can also improve your sleep. Physical activity is a great way to reduce stress levels & can play an important role on your mental health.

Mental health is vital and should be treated as such. You can take care of your mental health by seeing a therapist, going on walks or hikes, writing in a journal or even just talking with someone who you trust & is important to you. There does not need to be a major issues in your life to talk with a therapist. Seeing a therapist is good outlet for anyone & a great outlet to vent about anything going on in your life even if it's something small.

Make sure to see your doctor for your annual check-ins. This is important because even if you feel great there may be an underlying issue. It is best for your physical & mental health to make sure everything is ok.

The best way to clean your Invisalign and clear retainers.

January 27th, 2023

One may notice their Invisalign trays or clear retainers turn yellow. This is normal and indicates how much one is wearing the trays. There are easy ways to clean.


During Invisalign treatment trays are changed every 1 to 2 weeks. If a patient is at the stage whereit is necessary to change every 2 weeks, one may notice the trays are turning yellowish or perhaps look dirty. Dr.Azizi likes to see this color because, it indicates how often a patient is wearing their Invisalign trays!

  1. Toothbrush and toothpaste: When toothbrushing, take the toothbrush and brush the Invisalign trays inside as well as out just as one would brush their teeth. Do keep in mind it is best to stay away from any type of whitening toothpaste, as it turns the trays cloudy. 
  2. Remove trays when eating: When it is mealtime make sure to remove the trays. This will help tremendously as food won't be able to stain the trays. Also, food will not be able to get stuck in the trays.
  3. Only drink clear liquids: Try to only drink clear liquids while wearing Invisalign trays since there is no way to stain them. If one is drinking coffee and tea throughout the day and don't want to leave the trays out long, just rinse the trays off right after having the coffee or tea. This will help prevent staining. 
  4. Cleaning tablets: There are cleaning solution tablets at any drugstore, Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc. While eating a meal put a tablet in a glass of warm water along with the trays. When finished, rinse & brush the trays before putting back into the mouth.


Since one should be wearing their retainers all day & night and removing only to eat and brush, one may notice the retainers begin to discolor. Here are a few easy ways to keep the retainers looking new & clean.

  1. Toothbrush and toothpaste: When toothbrushing- take the toothbrush clean the Invisalign trays inside as well as out. Just as one would the teeth. Do keep in mind it is best to stay away from any type of whitening toothpaste because it can cause the trays to turn cloudy.
  2. Only drink clear liquids: Try to only drink clear liquids while wearing the Invisalign trays. If one drinks coffee and tea throughout the day and don't want to leave retainer out too long, rinse the retainer right after finishing to prevent staining.
  3. Cleaning tablets: Cleaning solution tablets are available at any drugstore, Amazon, Target, Walmart, etc and while having a meal put a tablet in warm water with the trays and when finished eating, rinse and brush the trays before putting back in the mouth.
  4. Mouthwash: Place mouthwash and retainer in a cup- allow to sit for about an hour then brush and rinse. This will also help with any odor that comes from the saliva on the retainer.
  5. Order a backup pair: Ordering another set of retainers is a terrific idea. One may wish to keep the pair which is looking old and dirty for overnight use and wear the fresh retainer when out. In case one retainer is lost or broken, there is a backup available to use so shifting doesn't occur. One can always ask Dr. Azizi's staff for more information on ordering a backup retainer.

Signs of Sleep Apnea (OSA)

January 20th, 2023

OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) can be a very serious sleep disorder.  It has to do with difficulty breathing during sleep. Some will even stop and start breathing again.

Signs of sleep apnea:

  • Very loud snoring
  • Period of times when one stops breathing during sleep
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Morning headaches
  • Dry mouth at wake up
  • There are different causes of sleep apnea-
  1. Obstructive sleep apnea:

This type of sleep apnea occurs when muscles in back of the throat relax. When muscles relax, the airway narrows or closes as one inhales. If one is not getting enough air, blood oxygen levels will lower.   The brain receives a signal that one cannot breathe and will wake. Sometimes people are not even aware. This may happen anywhere from 5 to 30 times an hour during sleep, making it hard to have a deep, relaxing sleep.

This type of sleep apnea can happen to anyone, even children.  Here are some risk factors:

  • Excess weight- Obesity increases the risk due to fatty tissue around the upper airway.
  • Narrow airways- Tonsils or adenoids can enlarge and block the airway.
  • Smoking- People who smoke are three times more likely to have this type of sleep apnea due to  inflammation of the airway.
  • Family history- Sleep apnea may be genetic, a family member experience it.

2. Central sleep apnea:

This type of sleep apnea occurs when the brain does not send signals to the breathing muscles.  Hence, there will be short spans of time when there isn't any effort to breathe. This can cause one to wake up with shortness of breath and have difficulties sleeping through the night.

This type of sleep apnea can happen to anyone, even children but some risk factors include:

  • Being a male- More men than women have been diagnosed with OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea).
  • Heart disorder- Congestive heart failure increases risk.
  • Being older- Older people have a higher risk of developing OSA.
  • Stroke- Can develop if one has had a stroke.
  • Narcotic pain medicine- Taking opioid medication can increase the risk.

Some people wear a sleep apnea machine called a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), while   sleeping to aid with oxygen consumption.

Signs of children who may have sleep apnea:

  • Loud snoring
  • Reflux
  • Frequent arm and leg movement during sleep
  • Unusual sleeping positions with the neck extended
  • Bedwetting
  • Hyperactivity-ADHDSleep Apnea Symptoms: Can it be treated? Dr. Skrobanek Can Help

Foods That Are High in Hyaluronic Acid

January 11th, 2023

Did you know what you eat can have effect on your skin? Many people look to eat foods that have vitamins A and E to help with their skin. There is a nutrient many people don't know that helps with their skin, it's hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a compound that occurs naturally in your body. It retains and attracts moisture to help improve cell to cell interaction and teach the body to make its own hyaluronic acid.

Foods that are high in hyaluronic acid:

  • Bone broth
  • Soy based foods
  • Starchy root vegetables
  • Citrus fruits
  • Leafy greens

Bone Broth:

Eating bone broth is the best way to ingest hyaluronic acid. Bone broth is made from multiple parts of an animal's skeleton that have been simmered in water for an extended period of time. As the broth simmers the nutrients which include hyaluronic acid from the bone are created.

Soy-Based Foods:

Some soy-based foods include tofu, soy milk, soy yogurt, edamame and more. These foods help increase estrogen which helps produce hyaluronic acid. These food options are delicious for snacking or small plates. They have a tremendous amount of plant-based proteins and are full of vitamins as well as minerals which are terrific for the body.

Starchy Root Vegetables:

Some starchy root vegetables include potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, carrots, and more. The starchy root vegetables increase the make of hyaluronic acid in the body. These foods are also a wonderful source of potassium, vitamins A, C and B6, as well as fiber which are all amazing for your body.

Citrus Fruits:

Some citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, grapefruits and more. Citrus fruits are full of naringenin which helps breakdown hyaluronic acid. Eating these citrus fruits and others not listed, will help your skin to glow!

Leafy Greens:

Some leafy greens include spinach, kale, micro-greens and more. The leafy greens can be found in many dishes. The best part is- leafy greens are a great source of magnesium which is needed to help hyaluronic acid produce in your body. It also is a great way to help your skin glow and feel healthy. These foods are very easy to add to any meal. For example, you can make a great salad or even a healthy wrap!

The above are just some of incredible sources which will produce hyaluronic acid in the  body to help your skin stay healthy and give you an amazing glow!


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